The Winter Wind 2003

This has been a quiet year without any significant trips (much to Paula's chagrin) -- due in part to the additional care and watching that my mother needs.  

But Paula and I did get to The Balsams resort in Dixville Notch, NH for a little xc and mild tele skiing for a couple of days ... but mostly it was for the food and the grand old hotel style.  We had fun as you see.

Paula, Steve, Paula ... or ...
Two Floozies and Their Pimp

If you have never been there, treat yourself -- go for the buffet night but if you miss that you are still allowed multiple desserts and appetizers but, alas, only one entree. 

We also visited a smaller (~ 1 sqmi) remote island, Matinicus, 20 miles off the coast of Maine.  We stayed with a friend of Paula's. We wisely? chose to fly out rather than kayak

Matinicus International Air Strip
 ... the runway was in much worse shape than the dirt road into my house.  

It was an adventure might have been safer to kayak ...? 

Island Tales
As usual I spent what time I could on the Island  (web page password = "woodiok7").  I  built an 8 x 12 shed on the high lot (toward the center of the island) preparatory to building the cottage  next summer ... (lots of help needed if you want an adventure).  

Thankfully I got lots of help from a retired Navy Seal, Forest Ranger, Fire Jumper, named Jake,  who was looking for a more sedate adventure than he usually has.  The crux of this operation was getting material up to the building site (350' up a hill) from the rocky shore.  Here is the high-line I constructed to do the job (note the load of lumber coming up):

More shed pictures are here.  If you ever want to visit the Island, see visitor information here.

(click on any picture to enlarge it -- then use the back button to return)

Merry Christmas

Happy New Year

Magn 95 YO !

YO is years old.  This day we were  off to visit her step-brother, Gus, on his 90th birthday (Gus is on the right below).  

We went to Princeton, Mass. for the grand party and Magn was so tired from the rare excursion that we had to stay overnight at Gus's.  A good time was had by all
      Magn is acting like an 80 YO and complaining that she isn't a 50 YO.  She is doing well all things considered.  She adamantly refuses to move her bedroom to the first floor.  She has to use a walker now.

Enough Cripple Stuff
I am functional.  The left leg is just weaker and an inch shorter ... but it still reaches the ground.  My Olympic hopes are thwarted but now Onward ... ;-)   I am active enough as you can see -- just, darn, I would like to be able to tele ski and bike with the big boys (or even better, the big girls).

Fair Winds ... Sam

Samantha, Magn's beloved couch partner (a King Charles Cavalier Spaniel),  died this summer.  This breed often has heart problems and Sam in particular did -- bad heart valve.  Sam was OK early in the morning then turned weak and pale and died at the Vet's by noon. Magn said she didn't want another dog, but ....  a Lhasa Apso,  just joined our family with the job description of full-time companion.  The new dog doesn't have an official name yet, but it may end up the same, "Sam", for simplicity ... or maybe "Tsurin" (a Tibetan Snow Fairy -- for DNA compatibility (Lhasas are originally from Tibet). 

Audubon Eats Duck
The Maine Audubon Society comes to my front yard every year on the Saturday before Christmas to do a bird count.  My considered assessment of their credibility is eroding rapidly.  I cite the following TRUE overheard conversations:
Birder1:  "How many mergansers should I put down?"
Birder2:  "Put down as many as you want!"     
Birder1:  "Look! There are some goldeneyes!"
Birder2:  "They are good eating!"

The Winter Wind 2003

Page 2

Our relationship has finally matured!  I recognize this by having observed many other relationships reach this penultimate plateau.  This was epitomized by Paula's statement "You can move out anytime, but I'm staying!".  My observation that it was my house first left Paula unrepentant (but then so does anything else I say).

Wild Woman
I have to be very careful with Paula -- she is good with a knife ... but then she wears cute PJs.

Fillet Specialist

Cold Winter
The Winter was cool this year and the ice covered all the ocean one could see from my house.  This seems to happen only about 1 in 5 years now ... seemed to be more frequent when I first moved here in 1975.

The Price of Poop
The state of Maine is encouraging me to replace my sewer systems (even though they are functioning well -- it is a long story) ... current low bid is around $130,000.  That is more than I paid for the 2 houses ... of course that is what a cup of coffee will cost in about 25 years, so should I complain?  Another cause for concern is the State's Engineering Department approval letter which stated that despite the highly varianced nature of the proposed systems they were "persuaded" that it was a solution, "albeit possibly temporary".  TEMPORARY!!??  In case you start to shed a tear for me ... if I do have to replace my systems the state is supposed to subsidize most of it ... On the other hand, if the "supposed to" evaporates, I will be crying like Niagara Falls. Stay tuned for the next chapter in "As the World Turns -- Government Edition" ...

Oriental Rugs
There remains a glut of new handmade wool oriental rugs that are being dumped at the ends of the earth (Maine)-- many are being  incredibly discounted (now $50-400) at Maine auctions.  The rugs are only slightly more expensive than plywood or installed cheap roofing shingles on a per square foot basis.  So I continue to buy a few despite trying to hold back (all the floors in the house are covered) ... Paula says it is a sickness ... I just stack them up on the 3rd floor (and other places).  Maybe soon I will become a rug merchant ... .  Or perhaps you will see my house roofs done in oriental rugs when you visit.


Point House in Spring -- lots of Green around

Sunset at Sea

Paula and the Thanksgiving Table

Steve -- weathering like the Matinicus building behind

Command Central where this epistle originates

Sunset at the Island from near the high lot

Storm Coming
 The views of the horizon from the Island are truly wonderful -- the variety and subtleties are infinite ... I hope sometime to take and assemble a collection of photos called "Island Light".  You just have to be there for lots of time and get the good photos at just the right second ... everything changes constantly but subtly.

That's all Folks, take care ...

Previous editions:  Winter Wind 2000      Winter Wind 2001    Winter Wind 2002

Thanks for your visit if you made it this year, 
If you didn't make it this year, come visit next year :

Don't forget to enjoy!   Send me your email address!  
If you didn't receive email notification of this new version and saw it by just typing the obvious progression in the address, I likely have lost your email address (had a computer crash and, alas, the backup had problems) -- just send me an email, I would like to hear from you.

Steve Winter                                          207-443-9634
845 Foster Point Road
West Bath, Maine 04530

email:       or